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A New Favorite Pain Relief And Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

What Are Exosomes?

Exosomes are bubble-like cells that are naturally secreted by stem cells in your body, forming populations of cells binding together on the outer layer of each cell. The chemical makeup of exosome cells includes some cell proteins, DNA, mRNA, microRNA, circular RNA, long RNA, and so on. Due to the high content of membrane-associated proteins, lipids, glycoconjugates, and nucleic acids, exosomes play crucial roles in regulating and creating smooth pathways for intercellular communication and many significant bodily functions.

What Is The Science Behind Exosome Therapy?

Our body’s cells constantly send out and receive signals, creating a network of cells to carry out complicated tasks that a single cell alone can’t accomplish. Intercellular communication is critical for the human body as it helps reduce inflammation, repair damaged tissues, and stimulate the natural healing system. However, much like machines deteriorate after extended use, this natural process is more likely to break down over time due to many factors like aging, genetic disorders, environment, and chronic ailments (autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases, and Lyme disease). Exosome therapy is developed based on the primary function of exosome cells: facilitating the communication between cells, whether near or far. With the measurement ranging between 30 and 150 nm in diameter, these nanoparticles are the perfect mediator for addressing and boosting cell-to-cell miscommunication. The procedure introduces exosomes directly to the affected areas through injection. When intercellular communication is enhanced, strengthened cells rush to the parts or areas of the body that need repair, supporting damaged cells in regaining their healthy functions.
Minimally Invasive
Source Abundance
Low Immunogenicity
Easy Storage

What Can Exosomes Do To The Skin?

Another impressive benefit of exosomes is skin treatment. Much like collagen production degrading with aging, our skin can experience impaired cell-to-cell communication. This miscommunication between skin cells leads to decreased skin elasticity and dull skin appearance.

Exosome therapy for skin involves the application of topical exosomes in the form of gel or serum or injection. Despite its microscopic size, these cells can’t penetrate the skin independently but require a disrupted surface to absorb deeply into the skin. The ideal condition for better absorption of exosomes can be achieved through skin preparations with resurfacing laser or micro-needling treatments. Think of it this way, exosomes are more like a cherry on top after skin treatments and procedures, allowing the skin to heal faster and reducing redness and burning sensations.

Who Can Benefit From Exosome Therapy?

Alongside stem cell therapy, exosome therapy has become an effective alternative treatment for various health conditions and chronic ailments. The application of exosome cells in medication is versatile, with therapeutic benefits ranging from treating joint pain and enhancing body performance to boosting hair growth and rejuvenating skin.

How Exosome Therapy Is Implemented

Like stem cell therapy, exosomes are generally safe with no serious side effects reported because these cells have always been active inside your body from the moment you are born or even much earlier. Talking to experienced healthcare professionals specializing in regenerative medicine is strongly advised for the best outcomes.

1. Health Assessment

2. Check Health Indicators

3. Injections

4. Administration

Is Exosome Therapy Right For Me?

Like stem cell therapy, exosomes are generally safe with no serious side effects reported because these cells have always been active inside your body from the moment you are born or even much earlier. Talking to experienced healthcare professionals specializing in regenerative medicine is strongly advised for the best outcomes.

The Future Is Now

Are you dealing with chronic pain or looking to transform your skin? There is no better time than now!

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