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Top 10 Anti-aging Supplements You Need to Know About in 2024

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For millennia, humans have been obsessed with the concept of reversing aging. While a prolonged lifespan is fairly reachable with preventive measures and advancements in medicine and healthcare, there’s a long-lasting debate about whether we can rewind the biological clock. The answer is likely.

Focusing on your nutrition is one practical way to slow down the aging process, with several studies pointing out that loading vitamins and minerals into your daily diet can be valuable in combating aging. Discover the top 10 anti-aging supplements and vitamins you should add to your plates and supplemental regimen.


These 10 Anti-aging Supplements Can Revitalize Your Health, According to Experts

Understanding Aging: Is There A Way To Slow Aging?

In simple terms, aging is the process of getting older year by year. It is characterized by progressive, complicated deterioration of bodily processes and functions occurring as soon as we reach adulthood. There are two types of aging: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Grey hair, wrinkles, dark spots, and skin coarseness are a few signs of extrinsic aging due to direct contact with harmful external factors over long periods, such as poor diet, inactivity, smoking, and sun exposure. With intrinsic aging, the body experiences tremendous physiological changes, such as faster cell breakdowns and insufficient hormone production. Skin imperfections are also indicative of intrinsic aging, with little hormone production making the skin lose its firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes saggy and thin, creating a hollow facial appearance.

It can be understood that intrinsic aging is inevitable. It is the aging process that we all go through at certain ages. Lately, scientists have also revealed that the faults in our distinct DNA structures can speed up the aging process. Meaning some people are likely to age earlier than others, even if they lead a healthy lifestyle. There’s a widespread theory claiming that the length of telomeres has a role in the aging process.

Although aging is a normal part of life, not everyone accepts their fate. A great deal of effort has been put into the quest to conquer aging. Is there a way to slow aging? It turns out we can, and it is simpler than we thought. Health experts say that changing your lifestyle is a good starting point. Making simple habits a part of your life can do wonders for your inner health. Exercising more regularly, eating healthy, getting more hours of sleep, and taking good care of your mental health are some practical measures to slow down the adverse effects of aging on your body.


Tackle Aging With Supplements: Top 10 Anti-Aging Supplements You Need To Know About


Collagen is a type of protein that benefits skin health. Research shows that collagen is a game-changing factor in reducing aging signs on the skin surface, such as fine lines and wrinkles. In a study giving 72 women supplements containing 1.5 grams of collagen and other ingredients, the women reported that their skin hydration and elasticity improved after 12 weeks. You can buy various collagen supplements in powder, liquid, and capsules at drugstores and supermarkets.




The main compound of turmeric — curcumin — has been taking center stage as an all-rounded anti-aging ingredient in recent years. A research review concluded that curcumin reduces inflammation in the body. Another study revealed that the active compound appears to suppress tumor growth. Many studies have also looked deeper into the effectiveness of curcumin in preventing heart and brain diseases. You can consume fresh turmeric to reap the benefits of curcumin, but it can be a little difficult to absorb so taking supplements could be a better option.


Nicotinamide Ribose (NR) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

Nicotinamide ribose (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) may be the new allies in the fight against aging. They are precursors of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Boosting the levels of NAD+ with both NR and NMN is critical for preventing genetic changes associated with aging. This is because NAD+ is involved in various crucial biological processes, such as gene expression, DNA repair, and energy metabolism. In addition to NMN supplements, you can also acquire NAD+ IV therapy to support healthy aging.




Resveratrol is an antioxidant substance found in dark-colored fruits like blueberries and grapes. It can also be found in the byproducts of grape fermentation: white and red wine. Since antioxidants are potent molecules that neutralize free radicals, supplementing the body with resveratrol may mitigate the effects of aging. It helps reduce oxidative stress, regulate cell lifespan and health, and improve cell function.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids


The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with anti-inflammatory properties can help improve overall health. It may treat and prevent many age-associated conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, eye problems, and neurological disorders. Other evidence shows that the nutrient can benefit people with mild cognitive impairment. You can source Omega-3 from fatty fish, seeds, and nuts. Since overconsumption of Omega-3 can lead to bad breath and increased blood sugar, be sure to exercise caution when taking Omega-3 supplements.




Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a well-known bioactive compound derived from green tea. When it comes to promoting longevity, EGCG offers protection against heart disease and certain cancers and restores the function of mitochondria in cells due to its high content of antioxidant properties. The green tea compound also helps activate nerve cells, which is beneficial for brain health. Another impressive benefit of EGCG intake is skin damage prevention, as it reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation stemming from ultraviolet exposure.



Coenzyme Q10, shortened as CoQ10, is an antioxidant naturally found in the body cells. Much like other advantageous substances produced by the body, CoQ10 tends to decline with age. Taking CoQ10 supplements is critical to improve health in later years. As an antioxidant, CoQ10 may protect the body from oxidative stress. It also improves many aspects of heart health, such as clearing plaque buildup inside the arteries, lowering blood pressure, and reducing artery stiffness. Foods high in CoQ10 include tuna, salmon, organ meats, soy, and whole grains.


Vitamin C


The vitamin found abundantly in citrus fruits is believed to be an effective anti-aging remedy. Its high content of antioxidants can help safeguard the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. The vitamin is also known for its significant contribution to the immune system. This is especially favorable for older adults because they must maintain a strong immune system to avoid sickness and recover quickly. Taking vitamin C also helps with skin health. It can stimulate collagen production, boost skin hydration, and prevent the emergence of wrinkles and fine lines. You can source vitamin C from multiple fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, broccoli, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.


B Vitamins

B vitamins refer to a collection of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, and folic acid. These B vitamins are essential for brain health and development. Low levels of vitamin B or vitamin B deficiencies have been associated with cognitive decline and mental health issues. As our brain deteriorates over time, increasing B vitamin intake is recommended to maintain mental sharpness in older ages. B vitamins also play a significant role in energy processing and the functions of red and white blood cells.


Vitamin D

We all know the importance of vitamin D for overall health. The sunshine vitamin is critical for bone health, minimizing the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis in older adults. Moreover, scientists have found that vitamin D offers many impressive health benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, stimulating white blood cells, and preventing certain cancers. People with mental health issues like depression can rely on vitamin D to lift their moods and cultivate positive feelings. Going outside and exposing yourself to sunlight for 10-15 minutes per day is the best (and free!) way to boost vitamin D levels. Remember to apply high-SPF sunscreen to avoid skin damage.

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